About Us

Aout Weir Concepts

About Weir

Weir USA’s goal to exceed customer expectations remains steadfast. “Weir” a company and team with a can-do approach focused on optimism and driven by the success of our customers. Operating with our manufacturing partner Weir Concepts we offer domestic products with a competitive edge.

“Weir” building innovative products made of the highest quality, “Weir” manufacturing, fabricating and assembling with the hands and talent of our team. 

When time is of the essence, we recognize the value of what locally built vs. aboard can mean; quality with a competitive edge, providing a project with an end to end solution while creating domestic jobs.

Our commitment to excellence and our code of conduct to treat each person and order with respect is the foundation for which we build trust and we strive with resilience and persistence to keep it. We value the lessons we’ve learned and our growth is deepened as we innovate new solutions, quality products with superior service.

There is a knowing with each email, text, or phone call a person is on the other end doing their best which is why “Weir Here” to demonstrate “Details are the difference between ordinary and excellence”.

Construction Site - Weir Concepts
About Weir Concepts
Careers at Weir Concept


Our commitment to team is our strength. Be excited to work alongside people demonstrating values and operating principles believing People – Process – Product are the cornerstone to our success. Join us, feel valued, and give yourself the opportunity to build a future in manufacturing.

We guide our values and operate as:

  • We respect and value people,
  • We act with honesty and integrity,
  • We promote teamwork and cross training,
  • We strive for excellence and continuous improvement,
  • We believe in integration (work together) to achieve the best possible outcome.